Tuesday, 27 January 2015

<p> <i> 16.16 pm </i> 

Scientists make Star Trek-style teleporter called Scotty

You’ll be saying ‘No thanks’ to teleporting if this Star Trek-style machine called Scotty was the only way to do it, that’s for sure. Scientists at the German Hasso Plattner Institute have built this scary thingamajig which is actually a destructive 3D printer by function. So why is everyone calling it a transporter of the future?
If you scroll down for the video, you’ll see that Scotty appears to move an object from one point to another. But what it actually does is that it creates a duplicate at the receiver end and banishes the original into nothingness. We’re just kidding, the ‘teleporter’ actually destroys its inanimate and unwary passenger bit by bit.
Scotty has two MakerBot Replicator 3D printers to do the main job. The setup also includes a 3-axis milling machine for chopping down the unhappy object to be transported, a camera and a micro-controller for encryption/decryption as well as transmission. The only difference between this and older systems is its destructive function.
The contraption requires users to place an object into the sender section, specify which the receiver unit is to be and then press the teleport button. The machine’s milling unit starts slicing or digitizing the item to be transported one layer at a time while encrypting the necessary data with the help of the camera built into it.
The information is transmitted to the receiver unit that uses this to reconstruct the object in 3D. As the item disappears from the sender enclosure, it begins reappearing in the receiver portion. Destroying the original ensures that only one copy of it exists at a time. The ‘teleporter’ is sure have limited use real word scenarios presently.
If you were to be teleported using the Star Trek-inspired Scotty, it would just mean a slow and painful death for you.</p>

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