Thursday, 29 January 2015

<p> <i> 12.44 pm </i>

Samsung Gear VR hits Best Buy with litany of health disclaimers

Samsung is ready to sell you the Gear VR headset, as long as you’re OK with a long listof really bad things it could do to you.
The Gear VR is listed for $200 on Best Buy’s site, and it includes a prominent link to a full page of health warnings.
The disclaimer suggests you always remain seated while using the Gear VR and take breaks every 30 minutes or so, “even if you do not think you need it.”
Another caveat: That dizziness may feel similar to what you experience after disembarking a cruise ship, and it may persist for hours afterward.
And don’t look directly into the bright light, as it may damage your eyesight. Do not use while in a car, a train, or a bus. It doesn’t mention airplanes, but using it in-flight is also probably a bad idea.
But wait, there are more caveats! Even if you know the Gear VR works only with an accompanying Galaxy Note 4, you might not have heard Samsung warn that the phone can get excessively hot when running with Gear VR. The phone may even shut down virtual reality apps to avoid a meltdown. And it probably goes without saying, but Gear VR sessions will seriously run down your battery.
The impact on you: While the warnings may sound dire, adverse side effects are anoccupational hazard of all virtual reality hardware, not just the Gear VR. Our review of the Gear VR actually found a lot to like, along with a lot of kinks to work out. Anyone prone to motion sickness should proceed with caution.</p>

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